Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Description and Operation - Clutch & Brake - Automatic Transaxle SystemHyundai Santa Fe (DM): Description and Operation


The 6-speed automatic transaxle consists of an overdrive clutch (OD/C), a one-way clutch (OWC), a lower and reverse brake (LR/B), an underdrive brake (UD/B), a 26 brake (26/B), and a 35R clutch (35R/C). These clutches and brakes are operated by controlling the hydraulic pressure.

Components and Components Location
Component Location 1. Overdrive Clutch (OD/C) 2. One way Clutch (OWC) 3. Low & Reverse Brake (LR/B) 4. Underdrive Brake (UD/B) 5. 26 Brake(26/B) 6. 35R Clutch (35R/C) 7. Damper Clutch (D/C) ...

See also:

Vehicle identification number (VIN)
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the number used in registering your vehicle and in all legal matters pertaining to its ownership, etc. The number is punched on the engine compartment bulkhead. ...

Lubrication System
Engine Oil. Repair procedures Oil and filter replacement    • Be careful not to damage the parts located under the vehicle (floor under cover, fuel filter, fuel tank and canister) when raising ...

Brake System
Repair procedures Inspection Operation and Leakage Check 1. Brake Booster (A) (1) Check brake operation by applying the brakes during a test drive. If the brakes do not work properly, check the brake booster. ...