Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Roller Blind. Repair procedures - Panorama sunroof - Body (Interior and Exterior)Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Roller Blind. Repair procedures


Open the roller blind using the panorama sunroof switch.
Leave 10 ~ 20cm (0.3937 ~ 0.7874 in) of the roller blind unopened.

Remove the roof trim.
Remove the roller blind bar (C) by pressing the top part of the lock pin (B) located on the both sides of the roller blind shoe (A).

Put a fixed pin (B) into the hole located inside the groove of the right side roller blade side bracket (A). Becareful not to release tension.

Remove the roller blind lower support (A) by loosening the mounting screws.

Install the roller blind side bracket (A) fit into the guide groove (B).

Tighten the mounting screws after installing the roller blind lower support (A).

Remove the fixed pin (B) located inside the right side roller blade side bracket (A).

Install the roller blind bar (A) on top of the roller blind shoe (B).

Put the roller blind bar (A) into the roller blind shoe (B).

Install the
Completely close the movable glass using the panorama sunroof switch.
Roller blade tension adjustment
Put a fixed pin (B) into the hole located inside the groove of the right side roller blade side bracket (A). Becareful not to release tension.

Remove the roller blind lower support.
Press the lock pin (A) and then remove the push the roller blind (B) in the direction of the arrow

Remove the roller blind (A) from the roller blind support bracket (B).

Remove the fixed pin (B) from inside the groove of the right side roller blind side bracket (A).
Be careful not to injure your hand when the roller blind side bracket tension gets releases.

Rotate the roller blade (B) while holding the roller blind side bracket (A).
Be careful not to injure your hand when the roller blind side bracket tension gets releases.
Rotate it 12 times clockwise.

Put a fixed pin (B) into the hole located inside the groove of the right side roller blade side bracket (A). Becareful not to release tension.

Install the roller blind on the roller blind support bracket.

Panorama Sunroof Deflector. Repair procedures
Replacement 1. Completely open the movable glass using the panorama sunroof switch. 2. Loosen he mounting screws (A) located at the side of the panorama sunroof deflector. • Be careful not to damage ...

Panorama Sunroof Assembly. Components and Components Location
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See also:

Tail Gate Latch. Repair procedures
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Components and Components Location
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ALL Wheel Drive (AWD) transfer mode selection
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