Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Components and Components Location - Front Seat - Body (Interior and Exterior)Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Components and Components Location


1. Front seat headrest
2. Front seat headrest guide
3. Front seat back cover
4. Front seat back warmer pad
5. Front seat back pad
6. Front seat back frame assembly
7. Front seat back board
8. Front seat cushion cover
9. Front seat cushion warmer pad
10. Front seat cushion pad
11. Front seat cushion frame assembly
12. Front seat shield center cover
13. Front power seat control switch
14. Front seat recline control switch
15. Front seat shield outer cover
16. Front seat shield inner cover
17. Front inside cover
18. Front seat track front cover
19. Front seat track rear cover
20. Front seat belt buckle

Front Seat Assembly. Components and Components Location
Component Location 1. Front seat assembly ...

See also:

Immobilizer System
Description and operation Description The immobilizer system will disable the vehicle unless the proper ignition key is used, in addition to the currently available anti-theft systems such as car alarms, ...

Interior features
Cup holder Cups or small beverages cups may be placed in the cup holders. WARNING Avoid abrupt starting and braking when the cup holder is in use to prevent spilling your drink. If hot liquid spills, you ...

Seat Belt Buckle Switch (BS). Description and Operation
Description The SRSCM shall monitor the status of the driver and front passenger seat belt buckle. The SRSCM provides one pin each for the driver and front passenger seat belt buckle status input. The ...