Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Front Seat - Body (Interior and Exterior)Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Front Seat

Rear Bumper beam Assembly. Repair procedures
Replacement • Put on gloves to protect your hands. • When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver, wrap it with protective tape, and apply protective tape around the related parts, to prevent damage. • ...

Components and Components Location
Components 1. Front seat headrest 2. Front seat headrest guide 3. Front seat back cover 4. Front seat back warmer pad 5. Front seat back pad 6. Front seat back frame assembly 7. Front seat back board 8. ...

See also:

Rear parking assist system precautions
The rear parking assist system may not sound sequentially depending on the speed and shapes of the objects detected. The rear parking assist system may malfunction if the vehicle bumper height or sensor ...

Oil Cooler. Repair procedures
Removal 1. Loosen the drain plug, and drain the coolant. Remove the radiator cap to help drain the coolant faster. 2. Disconnect the oil cooler coolant hoses (A). 3. Remove the oil filter (A). 4. Loosen ...

Relay Box (Engine Compartment). Components and Components Location
Component Location ...