Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Front Door Latch. Components and Components Location - Front Door - Body (Interior and Exterior)Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Front Door Latch. Components and Components Location

Component Location

1. Front door latch

Front Door Outside Handle. Repair procedures
Replacement 1. Remove the hole plug (B). 2. After loosening the mounting bolt, then remove the front door outside handle cover (A). Tightening torque : 7.8 ~ 11.8 N.m (0.8 ~ 1.2 kgf.m, 5.8 ~ 8.7 lb-ft) ...

Front Door Latch. Repair procedures
Replacement 1. Remove the front door module. 2. Remove the front door outside handle base (A) by pushing in the lock pins located in the back. 3. Open the front door outside handle cable cap (A). 4. Remove ...

See also:

Rear Corner Radar System
Description and operation Description Rear Corner Radar is a system that measures the relative speed and distance from the following vehicles by using two electromagnetic wave radar sensors attached to ...

Driving in flooded areas
Avoid driving through flooded areas unless you are sure the water is no higher than the bottom of the wheel hub. Drive through any water slowly. Allow adequate stopping distance because brake performance ...

MAX A/C-Level (B, D)
To operate the MAX A/C, turn the fan speed control knob to the right to maximum fan speed, then press the MAX A/C button. Air flow is directed toward the upper body and face. In this mode, the air conditioning, ...