Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Components and Components Location - Interior Trim - Body (Interior and Exterior)Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Components and Components Location


1. Front pillar trim
2. Center pillar lower trim
3. Center pillar upper trim
4. Rear pillar trim
5. Cowl side trim
6. Front door scuff trim
7. Rear door scuff trim
8.Front door step trim
9. Rear door step trim

Door Scuff Trim. Components and Components Location
Component Location 1. Front door scuff trim 2. Rear door scuff trim ...

See also:

Transaxle Oil Temperature Sensor. Specifications
Specifications ▷ Type: Negative Thermal Coefficient Type(NTC) Temp.(°C)°F Resistance (kΩ) (-40)-40 48.1 (-20)-4.0 15.6 (0)32.0 5.88 (20)68.0 2.51 (40)104.0 1.11 (60)140.0 0.61 (80)176.0 0.32 ...

Front Seat Back Cover. Repair procedures
Replacement • Put on gloves to protect your hands. • When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver, wrap it with protective tape, and apply protective tape around the related parts, to prevent damage. • ...

Direct Electro Hydraulic Actuator Coupling. Repair procedures
Inspection All units are filled up with coupling fluid (ultra-low viscosity ATF) prior to shipping. Inspection, fill-up, and replacement of coupling fluid is therefore not necessary (zero maintenance, ...